Past issues of the DAS Newsletter are available online.
To view the PDF of a newsletter, click on the image.
Current issues are only available to DAS Contributors.
An obituary in the fall 2021 issue of the DAS Newsletter confused Philip W. Bradley with his father, Philip H. Bradley, who died in 2002. Correct information will be in a new version of the issue, which is being reprinted and re-mailed to contributors in full color as originally planned to replace the black-and-white version produced in error.
The PDF for this issue To Be uploaded
The PDF for this issue To Be uploaded
The PDF for this issue To Be uploaded
About the DAS Newsletter
The purpose of the newsletter of the Decorative Arts Society, Inc. is to serve as a forum for communication about research, exhibitions, publications, conferences, events and other activities pertinent to the serious study of international and American decorative arts.
The DAS Newsletter is published twice a year. Information originates from press releases and notices posted by or received from institutions, and from material submitted by individuals. The DAS Newsletter welcomes submissions, preferably in digital format, submitted by e-mail in Plain Text or as Word attachments. Images should be provided at high quality (400 dpi), preferably as TIFFs or JPEGs, preferably in color, with detailed captions. Submission deadlines for 2022: March 31 for the spring issue; September 30 for the fall issue. Send submissions to Submissions may be edited for length, clarity and newsletter style.
The DAS does not cover commercial galleries; the DAS does not cover photography, film, music, sculpture or painting.
Please send material to:
Ruth E. Thaler-Carter, DAS Newsletter Coordinator
10 N. Kingshighway Blvd., #3C
St. Louis, MO 63108
The DAS reserves the right to reject material and to edit submissions for length and clarity.