The DAS newsletter welcomes submissions, preferably in digital format, submitted by e-mail in Plain Text or as Word attachments, or on CD and accompanied by a paper copy. Images should be provided at high quality (300 dpi), preferably as TIFFs or JPGs, with detailed captions, and may be black-and-white or color, but will be published in black-and-white.

Please send only items about the decorative arts!

Items may be about exhibitions, people, news, publications and trends in the decorative arts.
Books for review are welcome as long as they are relevant to the decorative arts. We do not review how-to books or children's books. Books received for review will not be returned. 

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter, DAS Newsletter Coordinator
2500 East Avenue, #7K Rochester, NY 14610
Phone: 585-248-8464 /Fax: 585-248-3638

Submission deadlines: March 1 for spring issue; September 1 for fall issue.