Saturday, June 3, 2017
Arrive 9:20 a.m. – Green-Wood Cemetery
Gather at main entrance at Brooklyn’s Fifth Avenue and 25th Street
9:30–11:30 a.m. – A Customized Tour of Green-Wood Cemetery
We will explore the grounds via trolley and on foot, highlighting the tombs of famous artists, designers, and luminaries including John La Farge, Louis Comfort Tiffany, and Duncan Phyfe and focusing on key architectural features on a tour specially crafted for decorative arts enthusiasts. We will also receive special access to private mausoleums and Green-Wood’s collection of decorative arts. Following the tour the trolley will transport our group to the Brooklyn Museum.
12:00–1:30 p.m. – Lunch On Your Own At or Around the Brooklyn Museum
Participants may dine at the Brooklyn Museum’s Café or new restaurant The Norm or in the surrounding neighborhood
1:30– 3:00 p.m. – Curator-led Tour
Barry Harwood, Curator of Decorative Arts, will lead a tour of the exhibition “19th Century Modern” and the newly reinstalled 1850’s period rooms
3:00 p.m. – Free Time To Explore the Museum On Your Own