An Event in New York City 2019
11:30 a.m., Saturday, December 7, 2019
Private, curator-led tour of Beyond Midnight: Paul Revere
The Decorative Arts Society, Inc. invites you to
learn more about the career and contributions of
Paul Revere beyond his “midnight ride”
Debra Schmidt Bach, curator of decorative arts at the New-York Historical Society (New York, NY), leads us on a tour of this exhibition focusing on the business, artistic and patriotic aspects of Paul Revere.
Paul Revere has been immortalized for his patriotism in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s 1861 poem, “Paul Revere’s Ride,” but his accomplishments as a silversmith and entrepreneur are often eclipsed by that legendary midnight journey. This exhibition features more than 150 objects and aims to transform understanding of Revere as an innovative businessperson through an in-depth exploration of his work in those fields, not only as a silversmith but also as an engraver, printmaker and copper manufacturer.
Organized by the American Antiquarian Society and coordinated at the New-York Historical Society, the exhibition draws from the New-York Historical Society’s collection of Revere engravings; tea services; and commonplace objects such as shoe buckles, thimbles and medical tools, as well as public commissions such as a bronze courthouse bell — all revealing facets of Revere’s career.
Cost: $18/person for DAS contributors; includes tour fee, full day of museum admission, voucher for reduced regular admission at future date, 10% discount in Museum Store, and access to museum films “We Rise” and “New York Story at the Museum.”
Location: New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West — use the Richard Glider/West 77th Street entrance, New York, NY 20014
Time: 11:15 a.m. at Membership desk of the museum; tour begins promptly at 11:30 a.m.
RSVP: by November 30, 2019, by mailing the registration form and a check made payable to the Decorative Arts Society, Inc. at $18/person to:
Stewart Rosenblum, Treasurer
Decorative Arts Society, Inc.
666 East 69th Street, #8E
New York, NY 10021